CVET programme for the next generation of European Local Administrators

Rural local authorities as protagonists of Europe's digital and green transition

Reorganising working models within small European municipalities
The project will promote new skills and competences among the employees of small European municipalities, driving the “smart” transformation of work models, leveraging on the potential of digital, green and transversal skills.
A collection of virtuous tools and approaches aimed at promoting an effective reorganization of working models in “smart” (or agile) mode
We will develop an ad hoc podcast with learning episodes accompanied by in-depth factsheets on topics such as: the relationship between work organization and environmental impact; adoption of more environmentally friendly professional behaviors; tips for safe agile working; reduction of travel costs, i.e. work-life balance and reduction of CO2 emissions; agile working as a lever for digital transformation, the development of knowledge and the elimination of gender differences; people strategy: building trust between workers and management.
Rendere le comunità rurali più attraenti, connesse e sostenibili
Le aree rurali costituiscono l’80% del territorio UE, ma si trovano a fronteggiare sfide cruciali, che ne minano lo sviluppo: divario digitale, scarsa offerta formativa e ipostimolo socio-culturale, esclusione socio-economica, mancanza di trasporti pubblici e “brain drain”, solo per citarne alcune. Le tecnologie digitali risultano fondamentali per rendere le comunità rurali più attraenti, connesse e sostenibili, e per ridurre le problematiche relative alla lontananza migliorando al contempo l’accesso ai servizi pubblici. Il progetto doterà i professionisti della formazione professionale continua (CVET) di strumenti formativi modulari e flessibili per un ripensamento dei modelli organizzativi in ottica di smart working da parte degli enti locali in aree rurali e periferiche europee. L’iniziativa permetterà agli utenti di acquisire competenze chiave per una più efficace implementazione di modelli di lavoro agile, sviluppando competenze digitali, soft, ma anche considerazioni attente all’impatto ambientale del modello di lavoro adottato.
Study visits and workshops in partner countries will promote innovative training tools tailored to learners’ needs.

in North Macedonia: “Smart working for forward-looking European local administrators: essential skills, digital skills, sustainability skills, methods and tools”. The event promotes the co-definition of necessary skills, dos and don’ts of agile working models.
Podcast “AGILies”
with episodes (learning modules) accompanied by in-depth sheets on topics such as: the interrelation between work organization and environmental impact; adoption of more environmentally friendly professional behaviors likely to have a positive impact on the territories; tips for working safely in smart working; reduction of travel costs; work-life balance; reduction of CO2 emissions; smart working as a lever for digital transformation, the development of knowledge and the demolition or gender inequalities in the work context; people strategy: building trust between workers and administration.
Multiplier event
in Italy to disseminate the approach and tools promoted within the project, giving space to testimonies, with particular regard to representatives of local authorities willing to adopt the model and tools developed.
The “Agility and Smart Working for Municipalities” Compendium is available for download in four languages: English, Italian, Greek and Macedonian.
- English
- Italian
- Greek
- Macedonian
Technical staff of rural public administrations
They will be able to make the most of the benefits of smart working, bringing quality to the services provided and improving the performance and their psycho-physical well-being.
Administrators of small European municipalities
Mayors, councillors and assessors will be able to disseminate and promote innovative governance models.
Continuing VET providers
They will be equipped with flexible and modular tools to encourage the rethinking of work models in the public sector that leverages on future-looking skills and competences.
Advocacy groups, unions and policy makers
Active at regional, national and European level, they will be able to accelerate and maximize the impact of the digitization process of the Public Administration.
Project partners
A Greek non-governmental organisation that provides innovative educational and research services for the development of Europe’s rural regions, as well as the quality of life in peripheral areas, supporting and promoting the sharing of experiences among the members of its international network of municipalities, regional authorities, NGOs, social partners, SMEs and universities.
Project n. 2022-1-IT01-KA210-VET-000081938