Supporting work-life balance through places where parents can work or network while their kids benefit from high-quality education and care opportunities
Supporting work-life balance through places where parents can work or network while their kids benefit from high-quality education and care opportunities
Transforming Co-working into Co-babies

The project aims to promote the transformation of co-working and unconventional working spaces, such as libraries and bars, into family-friendly spaces where professional early childhood education and care is provided while parents are working or networking.
This is a work-life balance revolution which the partners, with the support of the European Commission, wish to achieve and make available in the different countries.
A collection of virtuous practices and the possibility to create connections with experiences of co-baby implemented at the international level will inspire managers wishing to transform their premises into family-friendly working spaces providing co-baby services.
Quality-informed non-formal ECEC services
Early childhood educators, especially those working in non-formal and informal private settings, provide high-quality services by putting a child at the center of play, learning, growth, and development. A competent early childhood educator empowers each child to reach her or his full and unique potential and embraces values of social justice and equity by promoting each child’s dignity, autonomy, initiative, sense of individuality, and identity. Introducing high-quality ECEC services rooted in child-centered pedagogy that view children as competent, active agents and as protagonists in their own learning promoting their physical, social, emotional, and cognitive development leads to responsive practice that realizes child’s rights on having high-quality experiences in their early years.

Ad hoc training courses, study visits, and national workshops are being organized in the countries involved
In Leiden (The Netherlands) for early childhood professionals and educators willing to gain a deeper understanding of quality pedagogy and acquire the necessary skills to respond to each child’s needs and empower their growth and development in a nurturing and stimulating environment.
In Ljubljana, (Slovenia) for early childhood professionals, educators and future co-working managers who intend to innovate their spaces on the basis of inspiring practices of family-friendly spaces, that are supporting work-life balance with offering different childcare facilities, workshops and support activities for parents and their children.
To raise awareness about the importance of adopting training innovative methodologies and approaches aimed at encouraging the introduction of issues relating to diversity from early childhood, since educators, community managers and families need to acquire new and effective methodologies.


Professionals and early childhood educators in non-formal and informal contexts
Educators from cultural organizations, associations, libraries that offer courses and extracurricular activities, co-baby, baby parking, playrooms, baby spaces, tagesmutter, educational farms, family centers will benefit from ad hoc training.

Pre-school (0-5 years) and school (6-10 years) age children
Children, especially those from disadvantaged and marginalized groups, will enjoy the benefits of a high-quality and child-centered informed pedagogy with play-based activities promoting values of diversity and inclusion in a stimulating and child’s needs responsive environment.

Parents and families with special professional and work/life balance needs
Freelancers, professional women in maternity leave, single-parent families, separated parents will benefit from family-friendly spaces where childcare and support activities for families are provided while they are working or networking.

Co-working managers
More aware of the possibility of innovating their own reality and making it unique in individual local context, and inspired by the best practice implemented internationally.
The Co-baby project handbook is a comprehensive compendium that showcases exemplary practices within child-friendly Co-Working Spaces (CWSs) offering Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) services. This handbook highlights the importance of creating nurturing environments for young children. Throughout Europe, a diligent effort was made to identify and collect exceptional practices. This resource is designed to support early childhood professionals, educators, co-working managers, and parents alike, raising awareness about the significance of innovation and development within the field of ECEC, through inspiring practices and insights gathered.
Download the Compendium in English HERE
As a membership association, ISSA is an international learning community powered by the leading early childhood experts in Europe and Central Asia, uniting and supporting professionals and partners to deliver high-quality early years services equitably. ISSA challenge existing knowledge and practice and co-construct new approaches and models.

Project n. 2021-1-IT02-KA210-SCH-000029425